2021年2月Microsoft 365 E5 开发者 注册

2021-02-03 0 2,419 百度已收录

先注册office 邮箱账号。能收到邮件即可,临时邮箱也行。然后打开这个地址开始注册。现在前面有问答卷。然后才是开通订阅。不需要选择



2021年2月Microsoft 365 E5 开发者 注册


2021年2月Microsoft 365 E5 开发者 注册

2021年2月Microsoft 365 E5 开发者 注册

2021年2月Microsoft 365 E5 开发者 注册

2021年2月Microsoft 365 E5 开发者 注册
Welcome to the Microsoft 365 Developer Program!

Because you are a trusted developer, your membership includes a special developer Microsoft 365 E5 subscription, with all the latest Microsoft 365 apps for your PC and Mac, and including Power BI, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection, and Azure Active Directory. This includes licenses for 24 test users plus one admin license. Your Microsoft 365 E5 subscription is for development purposes only. For more information, see the Microsoft 365 Developer Program FAQ .

You are also joining a community of Microsoft experts and professional developers, with whom you can share information and learn from to develop your skills.

Now that you have your membership and subscription, we recommend the following next steps:

Install sample data packs to automatically populate your developer sandbox with 16 sample users and data, saving you time so you can focus on exploring and learning Microsoft 365 platform capabilities.
Visit your Microsoft 365 profile page to manage your subscription sign-in name and expiration, and get personalized recommendations for resources, training, and community events based on your preferences.
Learn how to use your developer subscription to build Microsoft 365 solutions and how you can create test users to create your sandbox environment.
Explore developer tools that come with Visual Studio and cool online tools like Microsoft Graph Explorer and ScriptLab.
Explore documentation and training for:
The Office Add-ins developer platform for Excel, Word, Outlook and more
Microsoft Graph
The SharePoint Framework
Microsoft Teams
Connectors and Actionable Messages
Get access to experts inside Microsoft with our monthly community calls and access to Microsoft Technology experts around the world .
Thank you for joining!

The Microsoft 365 Developer Program Team



2021年2月Microsoft 365 E5 开发者 注册

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栗子博客 新闻 2021年2月Microsoft 365 E5 开发者 注册 https://www.lizi.tw/news/19552.html


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